Development and application of using medium and high volatile dead coal to make coke and gas in vertical retort 直立炉用中、高挥发分非炼焦煤炼焦制气的开发和应用
Twenty-six people were confirmed dead after a gas explosion at a coal mine of Juyuan Coal Industry Company in Mianchi County, Sanmenxia City, Henan Province, Xinhua reports. 据新华社报道,河南省三门峡市渑池县的巨源煤业公司一煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸,现已确定26人死亡。
So far, few of means are available for efficient advance exploration in dead ends in coal mines. 迄今,用于煤矿井下独头巷道超前勘探的有效手段寥寥无几。